Detox Your Soul: Pulling the Plug on Toxic Behavior
So for the past couple of weeks, we’ve been Detoxing Our Souls. We started off with Winning the Battle Against Toxic Thoughts, then we moved to Taming Our Tongue Against Toxic Words. If you haven’t done so already, you can check them out here:
When I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong.
Rom. 7:21 NLT
Today’s focus deals with toxic behaviors. Have you ever asked yourself the question(s), “Why am I always…”
- late waking up?
- procrastinating?
- lying?
- spending so much money?
- over-eating?
- mistreating others?
These are just a few examples of toxic behavior, and I know having someone else tell you that your behavior is toxic is a hard pill to swallow.
When we hear the word “toxic”, our minds tend to go to extreme scenarios. However, toxic behavior can be something as simple as hitting the snooze button for an hour before deciding to get out of bed.
Sadly, the same way we snooze our way through the morning is the same way we hit the snooze button on our goals and aspirations.
We tell ourselves, “I’ll start on Monday” or “I’m not ready yet”.
Toxic behavior is any habitual act that has a negative effect on our future, and the truth is all of us have dealt with it at one point or another in our lives.
In order to change your toxic behavior, you have to first change your routine.
When was the last time you really, seriously examined your routine? Is what you’re doing on a consistent basis bringing you any closer to your desired destination in life? Are you being 100% honest with yourself?
Let me give you an example of how toxic behavior is directly related to your routine:
- You wake up late for work everyday.
- You’re rushing to get ready and out the door. Because you woke up late.
- You’re grumpy, because you’re rushing.
- You’re in your car on your way to work, but you look a mess. Because you were rushing.
- You feel a mess, because you look a mess. Because you were rushing.
- You finally make it to work, but you don’t have any time to greet or be social with your co-workers. Because you were late.
- You drag your way through the workday, feeling a mess and looking like one. Because you were late.
- Your productivity decreases, and so do your bonus checks.
- Your level of commitment to the company becomes sub-par, at-best, because the bonus checks have stopped, and so have the raises.
- You now loathe going to a job where-according to you-you’re under-valued and unappreciated.
Sound familiar? Asking for a friend.
By no means is that example meant to guilt people into change, but it’s definitely a hard saying that’s necessary to hear. All of us have been in this boat. And if you’re in it now and want to get out, you have to change your routine.
Do something every day that helps you progress towards your future. Don’t bother trying to emulate someone else’s routine. Each person’s routine is different, and what works for me may not work for you.
Be purposeful and intentional about doing things differently.
Before you know it, that toxic behavior will be in your rearview mirror.
Until next time…mjr.